Oct smB

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Bitsy was lovingly fostered by Mims in the Columbia, SC area.

She found her forever home with Bruce who was her perfect match.  Bitsy needed a kind gentle hand that would treat her with love and Bruce needed a companion after recently losing his schnauzer Sophie.  We hear Bruce and Maggie are inseparable and enjoy life together. Way to go Maggie!


HIlda was lovingly fostered by Mims in the Columbia, SC area.

Hilda was saved from an outdoor shelter just before a big cold front and snow storm came.  She was happy to be in her foster home woo-wooing and wagging up a storm. She had to have bladder stone surgery recently and in recoving with her foster mom, Mims, who is now her forever mom.  She fit in fine with her smaller sisters and had charmed her foster mom's heart. Plently of good care and spoiling ahead for Matilda.


Amber was fostered with love by Bridget and Steve in Titusville, FL.

'Welcome Home' balloons and a box full of new toys can only mean one thing… Roger and Nancy of The Villages are head-over-heels in love with this sweet girl! Amber immediately made herself comfortable on their laps. She then shared her excitement with her Forever Family with bouncing kisses. Amber is enjoying walks to meet the neighbors and their dogs and is looking forward to car travels and adventures with Roger and Nancy. In Mother Nature, 'Amber' is a natural gemstone. Roger and Nancy agree: Amber is a GEM!


Mack was lovingly fostered by Kathy in Seminole, FL.

After living a secluded life, Mack has found his happily ever after home with Lauren & Jesse of Merritt Island, FL. He loves his backyard and his daily walks. Mack is such a Velcro dog, that Lauren made an elevated bed right next to her desk when she works, so that Mack can keep an eye on her. What a great assistant!


Tuffy was lovingly fostered by Nancy in Merritt Island, FL.


Tuffy is one of the members of the ‘Fortunate 5’ that were turned over to SLR in need of a vetting, healthy food and a weight program. Tuffy and Nancy’s dog, Lucky, got along so well, that Nancy decided to adopt Tuffy. He picks up one of his toys to bring outside with him whenever he and Lucky go for a run in their backyard. Now if he could just learn to bring it back in! Thank you for adopting this sweet senior. Tuffy is one ‘Fortunate Dog!’


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