
Saturday, March 29, 2025


Mozart was lovingly fostered by David & Robert in FL.

Mozart truly found his perfect forever home with Jennifer & Greg. Mozart quickly became best buddies with Deacon as they play together and share all the toys. He is very sweet and gentle with 14 year old Samantha (SLR). Jennifer states that Mozart is very loving and great with sharing kisses. This is music to our ears!



Nicholas was lovingly fostered by Kathryn in FL.

Nicholas is a boy’s name of Greek origin, meaning ‘people of victory.’ Our sweet Nicholas was certainly victorious when he chose Marc & Billy to be his forever family. Nicholas is enjoying his big backyard to do his speed runs in. He loves his quiet, snuggle time also. Marc states that his tail has not stopped wagging!


Annie & Apollo were lovingly fostered by Joy & Ed in FL.

Beverly & Greg stated that this dynamic duo moved right in and are delighted to have an older canine sister, Sydney, in the house. They are enjoying their backyard and love their walks in the neighborhood. Annie & Jackson especially like it when the grandchildren throw the ball so they can retrieve it. This adorable pair still cuddles up together in the same big dog bed every night.


Scout was lovingly fostered by Lisa in FL.

Scout is thrilled to be in his forever home with two other SLR males – Ziggy & Fritz. Lori & Harold once again opened their home to another sweet boy. The 3 Musketeers are enjoying their outdoor time together in their fenced in yard. Scout is learning that this is his permanent home. Three’s Company, Too!


Mack was lovingly fostered by Donna in FL.

Mr. Mack found his perfect, forever home with Todd, Kathryn, their two teenage daughters and their 2 year old Miniature Schnauzer, Blaze. In just one week, Mack & Blaze became inseparable. They run around in circles in the backyard and wrestle with each other. Mack is losing weight with all of the playtime with Blaze and is also learning to enjoy taking walks to meet the neighbors and their dogs. Todd states that, ‘Mack is such a friendly dog that everyone in the neighborhood loves him!’

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