
Sunday, March 30, 2025



Bella & Pitu were lovingly fostered by Kathleen, in Jacksonville, FL.

Bella & Pitu are enjoying their Forever Home with Jean & Dean of Chiefland, FL. This bonded pair quickly made themselves right at home. Their fur sister, Claire, is letting them know that she is the alpha of the pack. The entire family ends their day by listening to classical music. Bella claimed Dean right away – she follows him everywhere. Jean says Pitu is so sweet and laid back. They love that these two have become part of their pack.  


Chandler was lovingly fostered by Amy, in Pensacola, FL.

Even though it was a long ride, Chandler enjoyed the day as he knew he was on his way to this forever home. April and her mom, Susan, of New Port Richey were already in love with Chandler from everything they had heard and the pictures they had seen. When Chandler arrived at his final destination, he was met by his 3 Miniature Schnauzer Siblings – Holly, Teddy, & Reagan. Talk about a Super Pack! Thank you April & Susan for once again adopting from SLR and spoiling another Miniature Schnauzer!



Storm was lovingly fostered by Donna, in Venice, FL.

Storm is thrilled to be with her Forever Mom in her Forever Home. Danna of Jupiter, says that Pickles made herself right at home. She found the basket of toys and picked out the ones that she wanted. Pickles loves to play fetch so Danna has been busy throwing the toys for her to return, only to be thrown again! She states that Pickles is so sweet and willing to please. Danna’s daughter also has a Miniature Schnauzer so Pickles will be having many play dates! 



Blake was lovingly fostered by Lee and her daughter Anabelle, in Florida.The moment they laid eyes on Blake, their hearts melted. Even in poor shape, his tail never stopped wagging. All four of his paws were raw and infected. He had kennel cough that became pneumonia and x-Rays exposed a disc injury. He  had to spent the weekend at the vet.

Once back at his foster home, he was treated with medication, lavender foot baths, and lots of love. Healing took some time. Today, his feet look almost normal but he still does not like walking on grass. Lee states that Blake was the right fit for their family. He loves the other 2 dogs and 4 cats in the household. He greets all of Anabelle’s friends with great excitement. Blake went from part-time foster, to full-time adoptee - what a happy tail!!!



Bishop was lovingly fostered by Mary, in Jacksonville, FL.

Bishop was excited to make the move from North FL to South FL. He found his Forever Family with Kelly & Brian of Miami. Bishop is enjoying getting to know his new Miniature Schnauzer sister, Heidi. They are enjoying running around their backyard together. Kelly states that Bishop is so sweet. He very quickly settled right into their daily routine. Bishop was the 1st Florida Adoption for the New Year!

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