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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


8 year old Sidney Sue was a laid back lady. Nothing got her ruffled, and she loved to snuggle up to people. Her owner turned her over to SLR and was fostered by Jim and Sandy Goodwin in St Petersburg, FL.  In no time at all (3 weeks) Sidney was eager to find a home where her calmness, and schnauzer snuggles and smooches, would thrill her companions. Her foster home helped find her the perfect match and she was adopted by Robert and Barbara on August 24, 2014. Sidney now spends her days guarding the condo and telling Robert and Barbara how very much she loves them.



Harley was fostered by Laura Pizzarelli in Buford, Georgia.

He was recently adopted by the Susan and is living in Alpharetta, Georgia.  Rumor has it Harley and Susan may be looking for a young female schnauzer as a sister to Harley soon.  Hoping for your happily ever after in your furever home, Harley!


Andy was lovingly fostered by Angela and Craig in Bristol TN. Andy was adopted by Denise and Derek of Bartlett TN on August 9th, 2014. Angela received this wonderful note from Denise -

We are so grateful to have Andy in our lives.  We are doing our best to let him know how loved he is so we can erase any bad times he had before SLR.  
We have many toys, but I got him one of his own.  It's almost as big as he is, but he carries it around and brings it to bed.  Thank you for the opportunity to be his momma.


Tanner's past history is unknown, he was rescued by good
Samaritans who immediately contacted SLR.  He was lovingly fostered by Sanford and Debbie Hileman in East Tennessee.

Tanner has been blessed with a fabulous new family all his own, Gail and Lloyd of middle TN.  He has fit right in and is getting all the love and attention every schnauzer deserves. He is one happy boy.  You hit the jackpot Tanner and so did Gaile and Lloyd.


Sasha had a rough start.  She was dropped off at the Orange County, Orlando, Shelter looking rough and ragged.  She had a hernia in her spay  area that had to have 15 staples.  Then she contracted kennel cough and a quick check of her teeth found they really needed a cleaning and 8 of the front ones had to be extracted. 

She spent a month in Cocoa Beach recovering with care from her foster mom Erika, and has now been adopted by Dave and Karen of Merritt Island.  Dave and Karen also adopted Penny from SLR in January so now Sasha has a sister and a big back yard to play in.  Sasha and Penny both struck gold.

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