NC teal again

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Nash2Sweet little Nash is still a puppy at 11 months old.  He is a wonderful combination of fun, exuberant puppy behaviors along with being a cuddly and affectionate, super good boy.  As you can see, Nash has unusual coloring; he is a beautiful gray and white merle/parti schnauzer with one brown and one blue eye. He’s healthy, neutered, and up-to-date on his vaccinations, weighing 16 lbs.

Nash is high energy and needs hours of entertainment, playtime and attention.  So, he must have an energetic doggie playmate and a fenced back yard, where he can zoom around, which he does when he’s especially happy.  He’s a very fast learner, and is house- and crate-trained. He loves to go for walks and for rides in the car.  He loves people and other dogs, but cats – not so much.  He still is gets very excited on his walks and likes to bark at everyone and everything on his strolls, but he’s working hard on self-control so he can walk without getting so overly energetic!

Nash3His foster mom leaves him out of his crate with his foster siblings when she leaves.  He’s done beautifully, unless there’s paper around to shred.  He just can’t resist the fun of crackly paper!  He is not a door-darter, but if given the chance of an open door or gate, he’s interested enough in the outside world, he will follow his nose and wander out.
Like all schnauzers, Nash gets super excited when visitors arrive, although he is doing great on his training and knows how to sit, stay, watch me, get down/off, leave it and take it.  He’s quite an accomplished puppy!!!!!  He’s very food- and attention-motivated and is most successful in training after an intense play session, when he’s worked off some of that puppy energy.  He still wants to jump on his humans, so Nash shouldn’t be in a home with little kids.  But he’d make a great playmate for children 8 and older.  When you sit down, be ready, because Nash might make a surprise leap into your lap!

Nash4As with any merle schnauzer, he should not be given ivermectin, due to the risk of serious reaction. Also, he is allergic to chicken.  But those are his only medical/food restrictions.  This little guy is busy, happy, cuddly and ready for his forever home, where he can continue his training, race around a fenced backyard and play with his new doggie siblings.  If you just can’t resist this adorable fella, have time to devote to him, and can provide all the things that Nash needs, please go to and ask for Nash in Tennessee. He’s ready!

Special Note: Remember, like other rescues, we check with your vet about your history of annual checkups and things like heartworm test and preventatives for your current or previous pets..