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Friday, January 24, 2025


Stoney & Jaxson were fostered by Dave & Lesli in the northeast Florida. They had a blast playing with their 3 other fur sisters, but the ultimate dream was to find their final home. On June 11th, they found their forever home with their new parents Mark & Chris, and a human brother Landon, who we will have under our “paw” control in no time. Jaxson sealed the deal with a big ole schnauzer hug.

It was love at first sight for this dynamic duo and their new parents, a perfect match. We needed a forever family, and they needed us to add a bit of “schnauzer” spice to their life.  Life is good in Florida, Stoney and Jaxson are finally home. 

What could bring you more joy than the love of two Schnauzers? Landon is holding Jaxson and Stoney is snuggled between Chris and Mark. One happy family!!