Playful ‘Rocket’ was pulled from a shelter after SLR was contacted. He is being fostered in South Carolina. He is enjoying a fenced in yard to roam in with his foster’s dogs. If after reading Rocket’s biography, you are interested in knowing more details about him, please complete an adoption application on the SLR web site and enter ‘Rocket’ as the young, energetic boy you would like to provide a forever home to.
Rocket is 2 years old. He has natural ears and a natural tail. He is a muscular boy and weighs in at 35 lbs. Of course he is neutered and up-to-date on all of his vaccines. Rocket is a Schnauzer Mix – he is black and tan. He does not shed. He is house trained (has free roam of the house) and leash trained. He has never been crated. Rocket is an Alpha boy. He is fine with other dogs as long as they are not Alpha. He is best in an adult only home. He needs a fenced in yard so he can do his speed runs. He also enjoys his daily walks in the neighborhood.
Rocket loves to be near his person. He will follow you around the house. He is very protective of his foster. He is very active and loves to play with hard toys. He will destroy the soft ones! He enjoys taking rides in the car and looking out the window. Because Rocket is so active, he was given a calming pill before his grooming. The groomer gave Rocket’s foster dad a glowing report!
If you are interested in knowing additional details about ‘Rocket,’ please complete an adoption application on the SLR web site and enter ‘Rocket’ as the young, energetic boy you would like to provide a loving forever home to.