NC teal again

Sunday, September 08, 2024


Little Effie has been through a lot in her three years. Despite that, she is full of joy and love.  She is ready for her forever home, so read on to hear her story and find out about this adorable, remarkable little girl.

Effie3Effie came to us in a group of breeder dogs that SLR rescued.  Even though she was fearful when new humans approached, when she met her foster family, she warmed up to them.  You could tell right away she wanted to trust and love.  She’s small at 14 lbs., and is called a salt and pepper schnauzer, but you can see from her pix, she has beautiful black and silver markings. She’s up to date on her vaccinations, is spayed and has had a dental cleaning, is house and crate trained, is learning to walk on a leash better, loves all people and is very cuddly.  She ADORES being held and petted.  She also has learned to play and run around in the fenced yard, while starting to play with her foster sibling schnauzers.   She has not been around young children, but we know she’d enjoy kids age ten or above.

Effie8Let’s go back to Effie’s story.  She had lived her life outdoors in a chicken coop, without human love and without enough food.   When she first arrived at her foster parent’s home – they discovered not only that this tiny girl had a hernia, but that she was pregnant with two puppies.  It was tricky helping her through the pregnancy while monitoring her hernia, but she gave birth to the two puppies.  Sadly, one died shortly after birth.  Then after being a wonderful mama to her only surviving pup, he died a few weeks later.  It was devastating to the foster family and especially to Effie.  She was sad and must have felt lost.  Her wonderful foster family gave her extra attention and love, and when she was better, her hernia surgery and then dental were scheduled.  Finally, Effie was bouncing back.

Effie2So, the happy little schnauzer you now see loves to held and petted.  She takes great joy in shredding the disposable pads that used to line her crate.  Effie loves everyone.  She will “mother” her foster dog siblings if she doesn’t like the way they are playing.  That’s when her bossy side comes out and she gets them back in line.  But she would be happy as an only dog, where she would get all the attention.  Or she is good with other dogs.   She is a good car rider, and likes to run around the fenced yard.  But without one, she could learn to be a good leash walker.  She does not dig or try to escape. She just wants to be with her humans, where she will live happily ever after.  If you meet Effie’s needs, please go to and ask for Effie in TN. 